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Tags under DTDs

The different set of tags under the different DTD are as below

1:  XHTML 1.0 Strict        XHTML 1.1 Basic  
2:  a                     a  
3:  abbr                  abbr  
4:  acronym               acronym     
5:  address                address  
6:  area                  b  
7:  b                     base  
8:  base                  big  
9:  bdo                   blockquote  
10:  big                   body  
11:  blockquote             br     
12:  body                  button  
13:  br                    caption  
14:  button                cite  
15:  caption               code  
16:  cite                   dd  
17:  code                  dfn  
18:  col                   div  
19:  colgroup              dl     
20:  dd                    dt  
21:  del                   em  
22:  dfn                   fieldset  
23:  div                   form  
24:  dl                    h1  
25:  dt                    h2  
26:  em                   h3  
27:  fieldset                h4    
28:  form                  h5  
29:  h1                    h6  
30:  h2                    head  
31:  h3                    hr  
32:  h4                    html  
33:  h5                    i  
34:  h6                    img  
35:  head                  input  
36:  hr                    kbd  
37:  html                  label  
38:  i                     legend  
39:  img                  li  
40:  input                 link  
41:  ins                   meta  
42:  kbd                  noscript  
43:  label                 object  
44:  legend                ol  
45:  li                    optgroup  
46:  link                  option  
47:  map                  p  
48:  meta                 param  
49:  noscript               pre  
50:  object                q  
51:  ol                    samp  
52:  optgroup              script    
53:  option                select  
54:  p                    small  
55:  param                span  
56:  pre                   strong  
57:  q                    style  
58:  samp                 sub  
59:  script                sup  
60:  select                table   
61:  small                 td  
62:  span                 textarea  
63:  strong                th  
64:  style                 title  
65:  sub                  tr  
66:  sup                  tt  
67:  table                 ul  
68:  tbody                 var  
69:  td                       
70:  textarea                       
71:  tfoot                       
72:  th                       
73:  thead                       
74:  title                       
75:  tr                       
76:  tt                       
77:  ul                       
78:  var                 


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